New booklet on the family of Quaker, William Penn ~ it’s on its way

In May 1650, a major battle was fought at Macroom, West Cork, Ireland between Cromwell’s forces who were instigating the conquest of Ireland in preparation for Protestant settlement. The English forces were led by Lord Borghill against those under the command of Colonel David Roche and the chaplain-general, Bishop Boetius MacEgan. The Cromwellian forces were victorious, MacEgan was captured, taken to nearby Carrigadrohid and, under threat of death, was ordered to demand the surrender of the town’s garrison. Instead the Bishop called upon them to maintain their resistance. For his defiance he was hanged on a nearby tree by the reigns of his own horse. Six years later, as spoils of war, the castle and estates of Macroom were awarded to Admiral Penn.

Admiral Penn’s Macroom Castle, Ireland ~ – acknowledgment to Izzy

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